Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 7th, 2007. 4 dreams lucid, one not

/sigh I woke up this morning and my dreams were so clear I put off writing them, that was 2 hours ago and i've forgetten them. But I do remember that 4 of them were lucid, and 1 was not.

One of them had to do with school, another with something other than school.

the one with school had something to do with a dog picture that eveyrone in the class got but I didn't. And that is all I remember sad right?


Hello everyone, my name in RL is Fred Rodd. But I usually tend to use names along the lines of sandform/sandman when doing things inconsistent with the real world. No not magic you dorks, I am a tech junkie so sue me, EQ FTW!!!

Anyways this is now my dream journal. My dreams are going to be pretty vague at first I imagen. Sorry.
Ok well see you guys agaiin later, my myspace is