I was on the beach, and I summoned someone to make out withwe made out on the beach with the waves coming in, it would be dry, andthen wet, I figured I would do this because someone on DV recomended it.I then decided to go somewhere else, so me and my partner for the time beingwent off to explore the dream world, first running, but then that was too slowand there was a cliff I needed to be on top of, so I lifted my partner to the topof the cliff. I then found a locked building with glass doors. A janitor was outsidethe glass doors, and I guess he was also a guard since he told me he could openthe doors, but didn't want to or he would get in trouble. So I told him itscool, I can get through the doors too. I suppose I could have opened the doorswith my dream ability, since I created it, but I decided to try to go through them,you see they were made of glass and in one of my other dreams I had previously not been ableto do this, at firs I thought about smashing them, but I remembered that thatwas my recourse last time and I didn't want to have to do that again. So, I lifted myhands and made sure to make it through the window. However the first few times I could not make it through the door, I remember in actual quotation what I said"Damn schema." (schema is a term in leberges book about lucid dreaming, referingto the state of mind which sets the parameters for you dreaming world, such as being able, or not bein able, to walk through walls.) After my fourth try I was able tomake it through and got to the other side, however there was a man and two nuns in the room that wanted to give me trouble, so I pointed at the old man, onlyintending to make him go to sleep, but the other two were effected as well,only into the fact that all of them fell asleep, gently falling to the floor.I then raced up stairs where my partner had ran. There was a black man and womanwho were arguing, they had shot my partner...<<
>>I removed the bullet with my dream power, whilealso using my dream healing power, and shot the bullet at the black man who had shot first. Then the woman started firing at me, so I turned every bullet she shot againstherself. Then I started to wonder if this was worth the trouble of wasting a lucid dreamon, that is when I realized that there was a task of the month to do! I summoned a doorfrom the ground, and unlike my previous doors that I had been able to summon, itwas already a portal (a path way with a visible area that I would be headed) to theplace I Wanted to go, it was the beggining of a bridge to DV, however it looked like a game selection menu, it had start select, etc on it. I ran into the door, and walkedalong the bridge, my light walk turned into a quick paced run very fast, and I found it washarder to control my speed than it was at first, but I wanted to be able to describe my adventure to thoseat dream views, so I tried to slow down when I saw words floating in the air. Unfortunatelyfor me, I could not read all of them, they were a list of words like this.
And at the top of the words were the words, "I lith dies"after getting that much from the words they dissapeared, there were many otherspots on the way to the final destination that had words, but every time I tried to read themthe words would dissapear too quickly, even though they were crystal clear written.So I found my way to the bottom of the bridge where I found a tree that the bridge was tiedto. It turns out the bridge was actually a ribbon. The land I found wasn't exactly the cityof marvalous buildings I had been expecting...it was a dark and dreary dank hollowground where many trees that looked like they were dieing were planted. There were smallislands scattered around the land, where the trees were planted, not much unlikethe tree I had just gotten down from after walking on the bridge. At the end of the ribbon, I discovered after getting down from the tree, was red. I touched the ribbon, and it becameloose. However, it was so tight before becoming loose that the fact that I was holding ontoit with a firm grasp made me go whirling about wherever the ribbon was tied to. (Like twirling a shoe lace in your hand, and i'm the aglet) Well, I guess my brain is an moron, causeinstead of flying off back to wherever the heck the beggining of the ribbon started, I went circling around the tree which makes no sense. I then fell off onto the ground...flying off onto one of the nearby island, barely not landing into the abyss (which had replaced the water) At which point I did a happy dance, and then accidently fell myself. <<>>
I then went straight into another dream, not losing my lucidity.it was some old fashiony place. I was a woman but I knew it was a dreamI didn't realize that I wasn't woman in real life though... I was told therewas a witch in town making everyone dissapear. I was like hahaha (in my head) the witch is probably me. I then tried to see if I had that power, and I didfirst their eyes would turn grey (they were under my spell) then if I continued to use my magic they would dissapear. Then after coaxing some guy out of his horse (and for some reason a goat) I was pulled into another dream that I didn't feel it was mine. It didn't feel like it was...and there was a guy there, who looked like that guy Pike off of
the movies "buffy the vampire slayer." He made some pun about his name, and
then a few seconds later I woke up.
Random notes:
"I lith dies"(there were some more words here.
(side note: I don't remember when, or exactly why, but I rememberasking some people who were made out of bees to sting me soI could get something out of somebody, however, after they started askingme questions, and then aggreeing, I realized they would die if they stung me,I told them wait, wont you die if you sting me, and they said yes, and I said,well never mind then I don't need you to sting me. Then I was on my way.)
(also had a dream about being able to record dreams.)