I find myself gently falling asleep. I remember that I am falling asleep, and tha I wish to have this knowledge. Once I am fully asleep I am met by an underling of my world, that is to say my new dream world. In this world I was appearantly to be the leader of the pack so to speak. It seemed that it was taking place during egyptian times. Perhaps it was merely in an egyptian city, I have no clue. To tell the truth the place I awoke in was my room in the real world, the only difference being that there were no mirros in this dream room. (actually at about the point that I started writing the challenge I realized there was one mirror, but it was next to the door, and I didn't use the door to leave the room, so I really hadn't noticed it. The underling had very little to say to me. In fact his only purpose it seemed was to have a pressence, and in this pressence it was meant to make me keep to the story line of my dream, but I dismissed him myself, by this I mean I ignored him, I did not have the thought to actually banish him from the dream by making him dissapear. <<<<<<
I can not say that the mirror was there when the dream began, or if my vanity summoned it, but none the less it existed and served a purpose. I peered over to see what I looked like in my dreams. It was an odd appearance, the face was completely my own, nothing would be contrary to the reality proportion of my face. However in my body, it seemed that I had no stomache....well I should say I had a small one. My back was so close to the front that it seemed like my body was very little larger out (not the wideness you would see from frontal view that seemed like my normal appearance in real life) than the length of my spine. At this point I ventured out through the portal. Past the portal was an arabian market no less. I ventured to the right, and behind me, and spoke to a woman selling things. It turns out that in this dream world there were fights. I lose track of what happened from this moment untill the next, so for the sake of arguement lets say one way or another (via walking or teleportation) I was set into an odd arena.
The arena was made of a land mass inbetween two walls. It was a very deep hall, that I found odd that anyone could see us fight here. We threw out pokemon, and I got my butt handed to me in this fight since the only pokemon show I watched was like 6 years ago when I was 10 years old. At this point it was a cut scene and it was a woman in the audience surrounded by this old middle-aging men lol. She was apearently the one who was fighting me in the arena (she must have been teleported back, since I was teleported back to my room to face another "oppenent" of some sort i'm guessing) The middle-aging men were all fighting over her, since appearantly I was one of the foremost leading fighters in the dream realm (as that was what this was, not pokemon fighting, or arena fighting, but fighting by the standards of a dream reality, it just so happened we agreed upon pokemon fighting I guess) and her defeating me meant she was uber. Hehe, nasty old men. Back to me now. See how self centered I am?...my dream has to be all about me doesn't it? lol Ok so I'm teleported to a room right outside where the whole dream began. There is a mummy coffin and I open it and try to bring the poor dead fellow back to life. This act of kindness backfired on me, as he quickly turned on me, trying to kill me! I dealt with him harshly that is for sure. I gave him full life, and his bandages had been removed. Then I killed his sorry ass through him back in his coffin, turned him to dust, and closed the lid. After doing this I don't remember much. I was back in my room but Ithink I woke up and started a new dream.
Un lucid dream, boring because it wasn't about me!! Boo!!!!
I was in god mode, watching from the heavens so to speak. I saw her, and felt her emotion. She was watching an old man walke from his house, and felt an innate need to protect him from harm. Another man appeared and started to try to attack him. The girl must have had some sort of accompliss, but he was not a very strong charector. The girl moved silently down a ramp that lead to nasty waste river eww eeww eww!! lol. The old man diss apeared but the boy chasing the man did not, he infact was now chasing the girl with a gun!!! eek run hunny. She was now walking along a narrow walk way above the sewege waste-like river. He shot her, the bastard. She fell into the sewer and iniated a new dream, all about her no less. Geez bitch let me have my own dreams will you? Anyways it turns out that in this new dream she was BUFFY THE VAMPYRE SLAYER woot woot. Sadly I don't remember the rest of my dream. I only remember that for a vague few moments of the dream I actually got to be a charector in it!!! it was fun, I was with someone and they kept trying to act like they were my master just because we were in love. Which is wierd because i'm single in RL. anyway she opened the door and then Angel from the show (when he was young in RL, not after he got all old and nasty grimey looking) appeared and they started talking about stuff like, you love me, but you can't and blah blah blah, just like in the damn show!!! fuck Sarah Michelle Gellar, freaking whore wont let me have my own dreams. If you must invade my dreams, atleast dream about hot people so I can watch will you?
Random notes I wrote while I was writing so I wouldn't forget:
(pokemon fight)
(summon the dead king back to life, kill the dead king.
(dream wars, dream jealousy.)
(death, old man, wierd faction, leades to gooey swamp, leads to buffy the vampire halucination.)
After going back to sleep an hour later from waking up to post journal hehe.
I woke up in my room again. It was another lucid dream heh. I walked over to my door, I had the intent of creating a door to my subconcious, but I got sidetracked my mirrors, damn shiny objects. so then I went out hte door, but it was the bathroom, which granted is attached to my bedroom in RL, but the door I went to wasn't supposed to be to the bathroom, in RL it leads to the hall.
Oh well, a commonly hated word around LD'rs like myself. anyways, so the bathroom upon my realizing this turned half away into the hall, as the left side of my vision was now open to a hall, which lead to my high school cafeteria. On the right was a door handle sticking out of a, not a door but a wall could you believe it? I couldn't, but I opened the wall anyway and stepped inside for a second to see my mother and her husband sleeping. I walked away and went towards the cafeteria. At this point I again focused on what my task was, which was to create a door to my subconcious. I am hoping to see if a dream can effect reality, which if it can, could be very productive for me. Anyway it came up as a vault door, I tried to write the letters "will" on it but it just came out saying "I don't mind" lol wtf is that? oh well it then turned into a latter when I tried to open it and I woke up becuase I got to pissed!!!