At this point in the dream I was about to come into play. As the view of the scene panned over the corpses of the two boys, it panned out further and showed the decaying bodies of many other comrades and enemies along the shores they were on. It then changed into a burning funeral...or whatever you would call it when people burn their dead symbolicly. It was a hawaiian woman, of about 20 or more years. She was surounded by hay, and was then lit on fire. As this happened, I awoke in a body that was not my own form. Blood was dripping from my nose, and I was in the pressence of what seemed to be a hawaiin-like spiritualist. He said something along the lines of "dream good, and let it be whimsical." /end dream
There was another dream in which I was lucid in the beginning that I don't feel much need to describe. It started out lucid, I was doing what I like, then a friend of mine said that another friend of mine was leaving EQ on christmas...but then described it as august 3rd... /end dream
After a while of being awake, I then fell back into sleep. I hadn't realized I was asleep because my dream started out in my bed. I felt this intense feeling of being pushed on by a gravitational force much greater than normal. I then started to speak to myself, and heard responses X.X...but it was from my own internal voice. Or I should say...I would say something, and then a voice would say back to be in my own voice an answer, or anything else that it might have to say. I then decided that I HAD to be alseep to experience things like this, so I got up. When I got up, I had the fierce feeling of great power, and while i never saw it, I had the impression that my eyes were red, and had he whole "spinny" eye efect like hypnotised person might feel. I went to my living room, and felt like it was a dream, except it was all WAY to vivid to be a dream. I then tried to use my dream powers, but I had no effect over the world around me. I then tried to prove to myself it was a dream, by looking around for things different in the dream world than in real life. I guess I should have known right away it was dream, since nothing was the same as it was in real life. But it is hard to distinguish stuff like that when your dreaming. I then went to my room trying to find something that was out of place...even though there was a multitude of things different about this room than my real room, I only noticed the fact that there was a clothes basket that wasn't there (even though in real life I don't have one of those here). At this point after noticing that my walls were windows, I woke up.
I had another dream, that was completely lucid all throught out...but i'm gonna bullet point it.
- I saw Mr. Spock and grabbed him before he could beam out.
- I saw a t.v. show about "star" fighting, which gave me an idea.
- I told Mr. Spock to come with me next door where we would fight other pairs of two people
- I kicked the ass of 4 other people, while Mr. Spock looked upon me in amazement lol.
- I then decided that it wasn't all that right to be hurting the people in my dreams by wrestling with Mr. Spock came with me to sit on my apt. stairs and watch around
- Dialogue between me and Mr. Spock, who now lost his pointy ears, and he really old lookingness, such that I figured I couldn't call him Mr. Spock anymore.
- "I am going to just sit on these steps for the rest of this dream."
- "Ok." (while I was trying to move the clouds with my mind.)
- We then began to speak about him. "Do you remember the dreams I've had?"
- "No."
- "Do you remember the dreams that you've been in?"
- "Yes."
- At this point he began to meld into anything he touched with a green scalyness. "I'm turning into a lizard again." he said.
- Some little girls came out and I remember and old dream that I had where I was like the crazy evil ruler. It was a shameful dream, I was a very scary person in that previous dream, and I only remembered it for the first time when I was in this dream.
- I blew cold breath on the lizard scales that were on the wall.
- then a queen came out who wanted the ability of cold breath, so I gave her a ring that would let her do it.
- Some time around this point I guess I woke up. I don't remember much past it.
I also had a dream when I woke I found my brother in bed with two women, and they were all naked X.X.