Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You can not live without your heartbeat.


I started out running from something. Or not really running but secretly avoiding so that I might watch them. It seemed a witch was after me, and wanted to do some sort of harm to me. I had hid in a house that reminded me somewhat of a hall of mirrors, in essence it felt like it was meant to create the same eerie feelings, however there was no mirror. Outside this house was a vast amount of hills for which to run through as well...Or I should say mounds that of the like in a place you might play paintball. I was discovered in the walls I was hiding in, and now I do not remember what happened next.

The next thing I remember was watching from omniscient view my appartment. Now, however, it was not my appartment but that of a teen, possbile in their 20's blonde female. She tried to turn on the lights but they were broken, and her room remained dark, and unmanagable. Then a brunette woman of the same age appeared. I had the distinct feeling that this brunette woman's name was jean`ette, however you spell it. As the blonde woman wanted to go outside, I had the distinct feeling that Jean`ette did not want the blonde to leave, ever. The blonde made her way to out the door, however it seemed she could not move. She was paralyzed. I tried to become a part of her, to help herself to will herself free, but it was of no use, she could not be free. Jean`ette seemed to be an evil pressence, she desired the blonde to be with her, forever. The blonde then became afraid, she was on the stairs and still in the door way, one foot out the door I suppose would describe her. With jean`ettes hold, the blonde could not be free, and she was afraid she would soon fall of the ledge to her demise. Jean`ette made a deal with the blonde, if she would give herself to jean`ette, then the blonde could be free. They shared a kiss, it felt evil. Upon this kiss jean`ette ripped the blondes head off and put it in a closed glass bowl. The blonde was alive but without the capability of speach. Jean`ette looked at the blonde with a seemingly strong about of despise. She seemed to be disgusted at the blondes desire to be alive, and how the blonde missed the feeling of life. "You could not live without your heartbeat." Jean`ette proclaimed, seemingly saying that the blonde longed for her heart beat to return, because she desired it so, and jean`ette could never feel this herself, ever. Perhaps her disgust was because she felt the same desire as the blonde...atleast in the beginning of her existence. Soon the blonde was able to take the form of her body again, and she tried her best to kill herself, to destroy all of her existence, she tried to accomplish this by throwing her brain away, destroying her existence entirely. After this I had no more dreams, I was awake in reality only.