Sunday, August 5, 2007

Theres a bomb on the plane.

It seemed to be a classroom of a sort, there were rows of seats, many squesed by eachother filled with people, with a narrow passage way in the center of the rows for walking. There was a discrepency between the person I had assumed to be the teacher, but it was odd, they were seated as well, and not facing the students. The conversation carried on between the teacher and student. "I want you to say I was late."
"But you were obviously not late, ever. You have a perfect record, infact I'm recomending you for more time due to your outstanding performance."
The conversation continued, the student wanted to be sent out of the room it seemed to me. My view panned to the front of the room where the teachers were, there was a computer screen. The computer screen seemed to be having a count down. The time started at...44:49 minutes. Suddenly, as if someone had just realized, a passenger screamed out, "theres a bomb on the plane." People started flooding out of the plane. Which is what it was. What I had mistaken to be a classroom was actually an airplane. I was then thrust into the dream as one of the passengers. I was trying to get off when I realized that their might be other people on the plane who hadn't heard that there was a bomb. I ran throughout the plane searching for people left behind. The first passenger I found was a kid. He was asleep in his seat I woke him up and told him to get out. He agreed after I told him there was a bomb. I then continued down the plane looking for passengers. I was surprised how many children there were, there had to be atleast six children that were left alone on the plane. It occurs to me now that that wouldn't make sense, most children must fly with parents, or are taken care of by flight attendents. Either way I went to rescue the last set of children, it was a little girl and boy asleep together. I woke the girl up first, then the boy. The girl ran off as soon as she was awoke, and the boy did too, but I stopped the boy for a second to ask, "is there anyone else here?" The boy said, "No, maybe chris." At which point the dream view panned to some curtains where it seemed someone was hiding. It seemed to me that the person he was speaking of was sinister. I ran with the boy, him lagging behind me, I suppose he was a slow runner. Once off the plane we were in the walk way that protracts, and retracts to meet planes, we saw our path way closing. It seemed someone had close it, but once I got close enough to it, it started to open. On the other side stood a woman, it seemed I was friends with her, or knew her from somewhere, before. She was the one operating the gateway. I proclaimed to her, "Oh my god, your my savior." In a thankful tone. She then started to close the gateway again, but the little boy hadn't made it yet, which she then saw, and quickly opened it again.
She the told me that once off the plane she had got text messages from the previous children I had awoken. They were telling her they were afraid or something. Anyway we then spoke about when the bomb was going to go off, she said "Well we can never really know when it was going to go off." Seemed to me we would probably already be in the air by the time the bomb would have gone off.

There were some other dreams. Pointless ones about spider rocks, a dog that looked like a pig. Me wanting to be a fire fighter. Me wearing my old boy scout uniform and etc.

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