Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fused cars.

I don't remember much, it really just dawned on me this moment the dream.

Well lets see. It started out there was some kid in a house by a window. His father showed up, but no one knew it was his father. He jumped out the window to meet him, and off they went to do something in the dream that I don't remember.
So after this dream I went to the store to wash my clothes. When I went inside it was rather annoying. I was behind three people, and they were all trying to stuff. I finally gave up since the guy infront of me wanted to do his loads in very short portions. I think he was afraid of getting his clothes colors to blend. So I went outside only to find people jumping on my car from a long distance away. I walked over to the group of teenagers doing this, only to my dismay to find certain people that I know there. I didn't want to talk down to them... So I turned my attention to the only person who actually jumped on "my" car, they were doing it to many. I told him it wasn't very nice to jump on peoples cars, nor was it polite. So after that I went back to my car, only to find that their senseless jumping had caused it to fuse with another car next to mine. At this point another person had found the car as was the owner of the car that fused with mine, we both quickly tried to open the doors to the cars with our keys. I was first inside, therefore had the rights to the car, even though we had a bit of a race to the "driver's seat" once inside. after that we both were in the car while I drove. However, as we drove something happened, and I asked her if she would mind me doinga u-turn, since there was oncoming traffic. She said she didn't mind. I sped up, and slid on the breaks, and turned the car. once we had became stable we were on our way down the road. However once we were going, a storm came, it was a storm that was supposed to kill anyone that got picked up in it, or atleast it was true that people were never seen again after the storm engulfed them.

  • Uh, wierd eq thing where I had to be turned into a gobby to lower my lvl to play, but I kept having RL things pull me away from the computer causing my char to afk alot, untill finaly the game crashed and I got a specialized message for it.
  • Boy in house by window, he talked about things with father, about how he wasn't who he thought he was and was supposed to be doing something.
  • Uh...Had a sequence with miranda/elayna in which I was on my computer reading something and they wanted something about it.
  • was in store to do luandry, but gave up when this one guy wanted his loads to be put in differently, and there was only one washer.
  • went outside of store with washer and found people jumping from a distance onto my car. I then went up to them to talk about how they shouldn't be jumping ontop of my char, because it was making my car and another car push together.
  • Eventually the cars fused together, some womans pink car, and my ratty car. A storm came.

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