Saturday, July 28, 2007

Most of this stuff fell of the back of a train...

Just thought that sounded like a good title
Ok, so while I had many dreams that went with this one, I only feel like saying a small portion of it because I am THAT bored.

I started ou in a city, walking along minding my own business, when I saw this woman, I started chasing after here, I wanted to ask her something. She ran towards the other side of the building which in big red letters read along an upper portion of the building something along the lines of "Universal intergrated comunnists" or something. All I know is communist was in the words, and it was something along those words. Anyway when I caught up to her she said something like.
"I'm running cause they are after me for being different!"
I was like. "isn't that a little hypocritical? Your a COMMUNIST lol, that is too funny!!!" I then had the distinct feeling this was something from that stupid old show Sienfield or however you spell it.
She then proceded to head inside and laugh with all her communist friends about me saying that, I guess I missed the joke. They were wearing make up like a clown, and she had placed some on her face by then too I guess. I then kept running and running, just going around wherever in the city untill I ran across a mexican mariachi band, actually more than one. Anyway I kept runing untill I found an elevator, I got inside, and when I walked out of the elevator, I was in a tunnel. The problem was, I was trying to navigate through this tunnel, but the elevator was gone. Before me stood an awe inspiring and frightful radiance of a tunnel. The floor and walls seemed to be oozing with energy inside of them. They were multicolored, but had an over turned form of green along its walls, second strongest was yellow, and i'm quite certaint there were more colors than just that. I think I started out walking, but I only remember floating. I tried to find my way out, but I got too turned around. I wouldn't have gotten turned around if it weren't for the fact that gravity was getting wierd such that what was once above my head was now to my side, while I was still level with whatever was below me, I had lost track of which side of the tunnel was below me first, along with the many different pathways I had taken, I was utterly lost. I stumbled upon a large baby in my pathway, it wasn't blocking it, but it was most deffinately there. It seemed as if it was part of the wall, and I had the distinct feeling that it was trapped. I felt like it wanted to die. It had been trapped there for such a long time it would rather not live than be trapped there any longer. I was comforted to myself that even though I was trapped, I could still gate back to my bind point. ( I guess I got confused and thought I was playing everquest lol) I moved along and moved along untill it seemed like the tunells turned to water, at least I think they did. I could no longer breathe, but along the side of the wall there was a key, and two slots, it was already inside one slot. I tried to turn the key but it hurt really bad. I had the distinct feeling, or maybe I heard a voice, that said if I turned the key, my memory in the real world would be better, it took me three times to work up the courage to turn the key all he way. Once the key was turned all the way energy was released in a connected string of spherical objects. I went of the item in the middle of the straight link, because it seemed to be the largest, and grabbed it, once I did this I was torn into a dream of some other place, it seemed I was having a dream from a fictional charector. She was lucid, lol. So she did whatever the hell shed wanted in her dream, then I was in a another dream where I was someone else who had been dreaming about her, and then they asked if they were dreaming, someone responded, "why yes of course you are." At which point he tried doing what she did, but failed. At which point he same person who responded was like, "hahaha, I was lieing." or something along those lines.

Oh Oh Oh before I forget...there was a scene in my school cafeteria...but it wasn't a normal scene. and before that there was some thing where I was talking to someone and they were like going out with this chick who had money, and I was like hey guy, you know your like her bitch right? and he was like, who cares money!!! $.$

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